Thursday, May 31, 2007

Just Another Day in Havasu....

Sunset view from my kitchen window

(now we like to do dishes!)

What a nice way to end the month of May!!!! The last week has been pretty busy....people actually are showing up to work on our pool, stucco wall, and new back patio. Soon there will be workers starting mom's casita. Yay for June! We were extra happy because Guatamama heard from the adoption agency and she said that Guatababy Mumble will be here in 2-4 weeks!!!!!!!


Guatababy Mumble

(cause he is always kicking his feet like in 'Happy Feet')

Yesterday, we looked at a pontoon boat that we may buy with another couple. And we had some bids from the tile stores to replace our kitchen, dining room, Arizona room and entryway old stuff with new beautiful tile. Problem is we will probably either buy the tile or the boat and I want the boat! We will see who wins this one!

Today we had a double date with my sister and her husband, Neenee and Herc (at least I think that that is his nic-name...Herc is either her husband or her son-in-law!) We think that this is the first time in 35 years that we have double-dated!

First, we took a ride in an "air-boat" that a friend of my husband's (no nic-name for him yet....I get scared of what I will call him depending on the day!) brought up from Florida to give tours on. He wanted to test it out and asked Neenee to write a history of Lake Havasu so that he will know what to say. The friend asked Neenee if she would like a part time job...the problem with Neenee's narration is that she cannot (being a good Christian woman) say any swear words. She won't even say "Lake Havasu was formed by the Parker Dam" She would say " Lake Havasu was formed by the Parker Darn". I suggested (being the good Christian woman's sister) that I could make flash cards with swear words on them and then she could just hold them up when applicable!

Then we took their speed boat out and went to Copper Canyon to jump off the cliffs.

Aren't you impressed? I jumped liked a trouper.................and all Neenee did was just sit there and look pretty.

Poppy was going to jump off the high cliff until he saw the vultures sitting in the trees!

After boating, we had dinner at a great restaurant, Javalina Cantina, where Brad Pitt and Anjolie Jolie eat when they are in LHC. Even besides that, we love the place. It was a real fun day! Oh, and an update, we are buying the boat AND the tile! Now I have a name for my husband......Loverboy!

By the jumping off the cliffs, I mean jumping off the boat! And poppy is going to make the jump from the cliff as soon as he has a bigger audience!) has been a great day! Just another sweet day in Havasu


jw26pt2 said...

Hi Cissy, I'm scared about the pix... Boy, we sure had a great time today! Right now, Poppy is taking the tile out of the entry. I SHOULD BE YELLING, CAUSE I CAN'T HEAR! Anyway, Javelina's was very nice tonight. Any place that's good enough for Brangelina is good enough for me, I always say.

Anonymous said...

You didn't blog about the misters (sprayers) at Javelina. You will have to tell everyone about that. Never mind, I will. Javelina has misters out on their patio where we were eating and the main mister was over Cissy's head and during the dinner she had to wipe off the water on her hairdo. Funny!! Oops, I forgot this is your blog, isn't it?? We should have taken some pix, Oops, this is your blog. Can I use it sometime?? luv rb

Anonymous said...

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Life is grand... But you have to make it that way...

Good job on making it grand cissy!

p.s... make my wife say dam, I love it when she talks dirty ;-)

KellyO said...

Hi Care,

You, Jim and Jeanne look soooo very happy. I envy your fun in the sun AND your month off of work.

I'm not sure how this all works so keep me posted.

I gave the site to the ya-yas.


Anonymous said...

In the land where every thing is normal, nothing is.

Time is the illusion that everything is not happening at once . .

Anonymous said...

Man, that must've been one HOT double date!!! I'm glad you guys got a chance to go out on your own and have some "grandparent" fun!!!

Mumble is SO cute!!!

I have to go now and liken myself to a cow ... mucho lovo

Anonymous said...

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?"