Saturday, April 28, 2007

Apr first post

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!!!!!!!! I always wanted to say that! Or as my mom would say. I alwayth wanted to thay that! Hi mommie! Tiggysgirl aren't you proud of me? I am at my Auntie Nana's house and we have really enjoyed our reunion. We are setting up blogs so that we can keep in touch in a better way. I will not be home this weekend so I will see my group on the following w/e when Tiggysgirl will be there waiting for me.........can't wait!


Amy said...

YAY for mama!!! Love it and I hope you keep it up because it'll be nice to have blogs after I come back here! I will see you in less than one week! Love you!!

jw26pt2 said...

YAY for Cissy!!!
MWahahaaa... we are taking over the blog world! I heard you had a great time with MY kids on Sunday. (That's okay, I share and play well with others -- and they love you so much I would be a Meano to deprive them of you.)
Boy, now I'd better get going--there's lots to blog about, with the visitors we've had, and I haven't finished my Anniversary post or done a bday post.
Love, neenee

poppy said...

You need to help me put in my poppy name. There is not an "other" category. NO FAIR!!! Pool looks good... It would look better with a Cissy floating around in it...

Rosebud said...

Proud of you havasu gal!! I'm not getting much done with all this blogging but it's more fun. The house is extremely quiet. No one working outside or inside. Can't wait to see you this w/e. Hope the weather will be hot enough for you.
love r.b.

poppy said...

nevermind, i fixed it. the pool was 94 degrees today, we took the pool cover off for you this weekend.

Terri said...

Hi, Cissy. We miss-y you already. You stole my booster, I have your shoes.

You can't start a blog and then not blog!

By TF I mean Terri. ;)

Rosebud said...

you should have named your blog
ileftmywhatwhereandtookyourwhatyikes just kidding TF better count the kids rb